
Christina Pitouli

She was born in Ioannina, Greece. She studied Communication, Media and Culture, at the Panteion University of Athens, and got specialized in Journalism. She has worked as an editor in digital magazines, as a producer in a music festival and a radio program, as a collaborator of a cinema festival and a theater. In 2011 her passion for the investigation and her love for cinema,  led her to Barcelona where she did the UAB Creative Documentary Master’s course and made her first documentary, Des de Baix. In 2013 she directed her second documentary "Bref", produced by the NGO Médicos del mundo. She also works as a direct sound recorder. 

                                                                   Miguel Hilari  
He was raised in La Paz. Between 2006  and 2009 he studied cinema in La Paz and in Santiago de Chile. He has worked as a camera assistant in various fiction feature films and as a producer and cameraman in documentaries and television. In 2010 got selected at the Talent Campus Buenos Aires and at the DocBs As. In 2011 he produced the short film “Juku” and he was granted a MAEC scholarship for the UAB Creative Documentary Master’s course. Actually he is developing his project “En un Corral de Burros”.

  Víctor Alexander Palacios

He was born in Popayán – Colombia, but he moved to Cali because of the migration of his mother to that city, due to her research for new working opportunities. In 2002 he studies Social Communication in the University of Vales, and since 2004 he begins to develop a project of alternative and communitary media. In 2006, after taking a seminar with Pakiko Ordoñez, he creates the Audiovisual Collective of Aguablanca district, that later makes the documentary “Con los Ojos en el Distrito”. At the end of that year, this collective joins other collectives of the district and finally the Collective of Alternative Media of Young people of the District of Aguablanca (MEJODA) is created. They develop a number of communitary communication events in their community in the city of Cali and in various other places in Colombia. They have also created a big number of audiovisual works, achieving important prizes in Colombia and Internationally. 

  Hugo Sales Figueredo

He was born in Puerto Esperanza de Misiones, in Argentina. After finishing his studies on journalism, he began to produce his first documentaries. During his later studies on Social Communication, he directed his first productions, some of which were shown on the television of Misiones. Those works, have been always made in an independent way, as results of a permanent personal search for an audiovisual story with hints of nonsense.